Separation Men’s Circle Registration


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Separation Men's Circle Registrations

Separation and divorce is hard - too hard to walk through all by yourself.  This circle is specifically for men who are facing separation, going through separation or are recently separated from their partners. This is not a course, or a counselling session.  It is a sharing circle designed to give you a safe space to talk about your story with men who are going through exactly the same thing - no judging! If this is your story right now, then we want to walk with you. To find out more, or to register for free click the link below. We are here for you. Note: This circle will be limited to 8 men.

Circle facilitator:  Nils Von Kalm:  Nils von Kalm is from Melbourne and has been involved in men’s work for almost 15 years. He did Mens Rite of Passage (MROP) in 2015 shortly after going through a divorce. He describes his time at MROP as “feeling like a man among men” and returned as a teaching Elder in 2022, where he shared his journey of grief, focusing on his divorce, addiction issues and mental health struggles. Nils is a freelance writer and, since early 2023, has been working in mental health. He has a passion to see men work through their pain so they can live with joy and purpose. (photo attached)

Held every second Tuesday from 7pm (Victorian Time) on Zoom.  Starting mid March 2024